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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Are Women Professional MMA Fighters for Real?

From the world of the Ultimate Fighter started a few years ago by two brothers that have taken a small hobby and turned it into a multi-million dollar industry comes the latest innovation in mixed martial arts fighting. Introducing Fatal Femme’s Fighting! The ladies of ultimate fighting are taking the octagon by storm! Forget about little Susie homemaker and her kitchen apron, these ladies are on the hunt and ready to make the kill. You have never seen anything like this! It’s Ultimate Fighting for women.

In recent months, rumors have started to surface about Mixed Martial Arts fighting organizations like the Ultimate Fighter talking about allowing women to fight inside the octagon just like their male counterparts. Is this actually going to happen and what is the outlook for the sport if this does happen?

The truth is that it is already happening. Since the rise in popularity of the Ultimate Fighter series making MMA so popular over the last few years, there has become the evolvement of the women’s MMA fighting sport. The Primary organization for these women fighters is called the FFF (Fatal Femme’s Fighting Championship).

Much like any other case of “we can do anything you can do,” the FFF is a replicated version of the extremely successful UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). Same ring, same rules, same action…same popularity?

There are 32 female fighters from all over the world that are competing in the same ring the men use on pay-per-view events all year long. These women train just as hard as their male counterparts in learning the skills in martial arts and the “game” associated with the ultimate fighting world.

Many of the fans of the women’s fighter claim that the women are actually more brutal in the ring than the men are in their sport. We have all seen the catfights of women rolling around on the ring floor as portrayed in professional wrestling, this is not the case with the women fighters. Pulling hair and breaking nails are not an issue in this sport! These women are out to break bones and earn a paycheck doing it.

Most people asked seem to be ok with the idea of women fighting in the MMA arena with the ultimate fighter competition. Besides, what man would miss the chance to see two grown women beat the crap out of each inside a fenced cage? There are however some concerns about this adaptation to this sport as expected. Boxing also had a brief run of women based competitions in the early 90’s but it quickly fell out of site due to a limited number of qualified participants available to compete against each other without having the same matches over and over again.

Some other concerns include the concern that this may give younger girls the notion that problems can be solved with girl on girl fighting and violence. However, why isn’t anyone ever concerned that the boys watching their dad’s fight in that same ring will have the same conclusions too? One final concern about women entering the ultimate fighting world is due in part to the professional wrestling arena. How long would it take until someone someday thinks it would be a good idea to have a mixed sexes fight in that cage? That would open a whole other can of worms in this country of ours. Could you imagine that chaos? Men getting paid to commit what would otherwise be called domestic abuse!

Will this variation to the fighting sport take shape and become a staple in the world’s sporting network? That lies in the hands of the fans and if they are willing to continue to lay out the money to watch these events in the years to come. Perhaps one day they can become the “Divas” of the UFC! Only time will tell. With some luck and actual talent, this will not be another women’s boxing flop as we saw twenty years ago.

For those women that would to learn the skills of Mixed Martial Arts and would like to find a school near you, please visit the Martial Arts School Finder online today!

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